WISE is all about you! We bring comprehensive sexuality education to community settings in Dallas, so young people and families can learn the facts and make informed decisions about their bodies and relationships, for their whole lives.
Wholly Informed Sex Ed is for Every Body
Committed to inclusivity and radical diversity, WISE seeks to equitably empower young people with science-based comprehensive sexuality education.
Wholly Informed Sex Ed is a non-profit community outreach program originating in The First Unitarian Church of Dallas, where love and service are practiced every day.

WISE is based in the Our Whole Lives (OWL) Lifespan Sexuality curriculum. Its purpose is to provide inclusive, comprehensive, age-appropriate, medically accurate sexuality education to youth in the Dallas area, through partnerships with parents and caregivers, community and health organizations, schools, and others.
We are facilitators, educators, and community partners who believe sex education IS education, and that all people are deserving of honest answers to questions about sexuality — a fulfilling, essential, positive aspect of being alive.
Latest News
More Than Sex Ed Has A Few Things to Say About Training New Educators for WISE in Texas
Emmalinda MacLean describes the need for more sexual health educators, after helping Wholly Informed Sex Ed train a new class. Check out their blog post here: www.morethansex-ed.org/blog/texas-sex-educators
WISE recently trained 17 new sexual health educators in the Our Whole Lives Lifespan Sexuality curriculum, and we are launching in the Dallas community! Email us at wise@dallasuu.org for more information.
We ❤️ our partners!
From the beginning, our amazing partners have made our work possible. We are grateful to serve alongside a wide range of like-minded youth-serving organizations. Thanks to visionary leaders, parents & caregivers, donors, and the greater Dallas community, we are able to intentionally place the experience of our students at the center of all we do.

WISE believes in equitable access to reproductive health care
WISE is dedicated to creating a world where factually informed people can safely and knowledgeably make the best choices for their bodies and their lives. We support the dignity of pregnant people and believe they should have equitable access to the reproductive health care they need, including abortion.